The Falklands War ended with a decisive British victory over thirty years ago. Nevertheless, the war remains alive in the imagination of analysts and historians. Although the conflict happened outside of the normal “zones of crisis,” it has long held the attention of students of warfare. The war, which involved a conflict over territory between two established nation-states with large, capital intensive military establishments, seems almost quaint today. However, the issues that brought about the war, the manner in which the war was fought, and the situation the war left behind continue to hold important lessons for practitioners of foreign policy today.
27 September 2014
The Falklands War ended with a decisive British victory over thirty years ago. Nevertheless, the war remains alive in the imagination of analysts and historians. Although the conflict happened outside of the normal “zones of crisis,” it has long held the attention of students of warfare. The war, which involved a conflict over territory between two established nation-states with large, capital intensive military establishments, seems almost quaint today. However, the issues that brought about the war, the manner in which the war was fought, and the situation the war left behind continue to hold important lessons for practitioners of foreign policy today.
26 September 2014
FALKLANDS WAR : The Plan of Argentinean Military Junta
Considering the political and military aspects as stated above, the strategy planned by Argentine in “seizing back Falklands” from British seemed to be logical. At first, the invasion plan to Falklands and South Georgia would be executed by Argentine between the months of July to October 1982. Its considerations were as follows:
20 September 2014
New Release-Paperback
Keamanan dan keselamatan jalur pelayaran -Sea Lanes Of Communication atau SLOC - yang melewati Laut China Selatan, akhir-akhir ini mulai terusik sehubungan dengan potensi
konflik yang selama berpuluh tahun terpendam, mulai muncul ke permukaan. Banyak
faktor yang menjadi penyebabnya, mulai dari politik, ekonomi, pertahanan, hukum
internasional dan lain-lain, ditambah dengan banyaknya aktor yang terlibat di
dalamnya. Apabila dikaji secara mendalam, ancaman terhadap keamanan dan
keselamatan di jalur pelayaran tersebut hanyalah
akibat dari pertikaian masalah kepemilikan terhadap dua buah gugusan pulau yang berlokasi di Laut China Selatan,
yaitu Kepulauan Spratly dan Paracel.
19 September 2014
Asal muasal kemunculan doktrin
adalah terbitnya “instruksi-perkelahian” ( fighting instruction ) bagi tentara Inggris. Bahkan negara-negara besar manapun
juga banyak belajar dari Inggris .Pengalaman angkatan laut Inggris di era PD I & II, menunjukkan doktrin yang
ditulis lebih banyak berorientasi pada doktrin angkatan .Sedangkan doktrin-doktrin yang tercipta mulai dari doktrin tingkat
taktis dan operasional bisa saja berwujud doktrin yang tertulis, instruksi tempur bahkan instruksi
lesan dari para komandan di lapangan.
18 September 2014
Membicarakan intelijen, akan
berangkat dari pemahaman yang sangat mendasar bahwa intelijen itu adalah
pengetahuan (knowledge), bahwa intelijen itu adalah kegiatan
untuk mencari pengetahuan yang diinginkan (activity), bahwa intelijen
itu adalah organisasi yang melaksanakan kegiatan pengumpulan informasi (organization).
13 September 2014
9 September 2014
“ When you’re
asking Americans to die, you have to be able to explain it in terms of the national
interest. “ ( Henry Kissinger )
WHEN HENRY KISSINGER celebrated his ninetieth birthday in Manhattan’s St. Regis Hotel in June 2013, he attracted an audience of notables, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Valery Giscard D’Estaing, Donald Rumsfeld, James Baker and George Shultz. Kerry called Kissinger America’s “indispensable statesman,” but it was John McCain who, as the Daily Beast reported, electrified the room with his remarks. McCain, who was brutally tortured in what was sardonically known as the Hanoi Hilton, earned widespread respect for courageously refusing to accept an early release from his Vietnamese captors after his father had been promoted to commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet.
6 September 2014
1 September 2014
New Release-Paperback
by RADM (Ret) Robert Mangindaan
by RADM (Ret) Robert Mangindaan
Penegakan hukum di laut mempunyai pengertian segala upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia di dalam menjamin keselamatan dan keamanan di laut yurisdiksi nasional Indonesia, baik keselamatan dan keamanan manusia, lingkungan alam, maupun keselamatan dan keamanan pelayaran.
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