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29 Februari 2016


Einstein's geometric gravity

The key idea of Einstein's theory of general relativity is that gravity is not an ordinary force, but rather a property of space-time geometry.(ensteinonlineinfo)

If that is true, the property of space-time geometry should give effects / pressure on the celestial bodies that makes celestial bodies is not spherical but a flat.

"This physicists are still in the elevator, but this time they really are in the empty space, far away from the attractive power of any celestial body.A cable is attached to the roof of the elevator; some supernatural force begins reeling in the cable; and the elevator travels "upward" with constant acceleration, i.e. progressively faster and faster. Again the men in the car have no idea where they are, and again they perform experiments to evaluate their situation. This time they notice that their feet press solidly against the floor come up beneath them.

If they release objects from their hands, the objects appear to "fall".If they toss object in a horizontal direction they do not move uniformly in a straight line, but describe a parabolic curve with respect to the floor.

And so the scientist, who have no idea that their windowless car actually is climbing through interstellar space, conclude that they are situated in quite ordinary circumstances in a stationary room rigidly attached to the earth and affected in normal measure by the force of gravity. There is no way for them to tell whether they are at rest in a gravitational field or ascending with constant acceleration through outer space where there is no gravity at all.

So Einstein's Law of Gravitation contain nothing about force. It describes the behavior of objects in a gravitational field - the planets, for example - not in terms "attraction" but simply in the terms of the paths they follow. To Einstein, gravitation is simply part of inertia; the movements of stars and the planets arise from their inherent inertia; and the courses they follow are determined by the metric properties of space -- or, more properly speaking, the metric properties of the space-time continum.

(Universe and Dr.Eintein, Lincoln Barnett, London 1949,  page 69 - 72).


Einstein thought experiments describe three events that become the objects of observation in the elevator .

1. They notice that their feet press solidly against the floor come up beneath them.

2. If they release objects from their hands, the objects appear to "fall".

3.. If they toss object in a horizontal direction they do not move uniformly in a straight line, but describe a parabolic curve with respect to the floor.

From these three events in the elevator ,  an  observer outside the elevators conlude  that gravity is nothing about force. Furthermore describes the behavior of objects in a gravitational field - the planets, for example - not in terms "attraction" but simply in the terms of the paths they follow.

That is incorrect.  Three objects of observations  do not fully describe the Newton's theory of gravity, namely can not describe at least two other events that caused by the force of gravity:

1. The celestial bodies in orbit, for example, the orbiting of the planets around the Sun.

2. The occurrence of tide-low tide caused by the attraction of the moon.

Of course it will be very difficult to illustrate two things mentioned above in the elevator. What could be described in the elevator is only related to objects that have weight and mass. Therefore, the thought experiments is always incomprehensive, illogical, and can be misleading.

Thought experiments can be made to obtain the result they wanted to get. Albert Einstein made a mistake in his thought experiments.The equivalence principle is wrong !

Isaac Newton's theory of gravitation first enabled an explanation of why there were generally two tides a day, not one, and offered hope for detailed understanding. How about Enstein's general relativity on tide-low tide??.

Eksperimen Imajiner Einstein menjadi dasar idenya tentang gravitasi, di mana idenya itu berbeda dengan teori gravitasi Isaac Newton.

"Para fisikawan masih berada di dalam elevator/lift, tapi kali ini mereka benar-benar berada di ruang kosong, jauh dari gaya tarik-menarik benda-benda angkasa. Kabel diikat di atap lift, lalu ada kekuatan supranatural menarik kabel ke atas;.. dan lift naik "ke atas" dengan percepatan konstan, yaitu semakin cepat dan lebih cepat lagi. Orang-orang (fisikawan) di dalam lift/kendaraan itu tidak tahu di mana mereka berada, dan lagi mereka sedang melakukan percobaan untuk mengevaluasi situasi mereka saat ini. Mereka melihat/merasakan bahwa kaki mereka menekan kuat terhadap lantai lift di bawah mereka.

Jika mereka melepaskan benda dari tangan mereka, benda-benda itu terlihat "jatuh" ke lantai lift. Jika mereka melemparkan sebuah benda dalam arah horisontal, benda itu tidak bergerak dalam garis lurus, tapi bergerak melengkung/kurva parabola terhadap lantai lift.

Dan jadi para fisikawan tidak tahu bahwa lift/kendaraan yang tanpa jendela itu  benar-benar naik/mendaki melalui ruang antar bintang, menyimpulkan bahwa mereka berada di kendaraan dalam keadaan biasa yang sedang berhenti di suatu tempat di bumi, dan terpengaruh oleh gaya gravitasi dalam ukuran normal. Tidak ada cara bagi mereka untuk mengatakan apakah mereka beristirahat dalam medan gravitasi atau naik dengan percepatan konstan melalui luar angkasa di mana tidak ada gravitasi sama sekali.

Jadi Hukum Gravitasinya Einstein tidak berisi apa-apa tentang gaya /kekuatan. Tapi menggambarkan perilaku objek dalam medan gravitasi - planet-planet, misalnya - tidak dalam hal "gaya tarik" tetapi hanya dalam hal jalan yang mereka ikuti. Bagi Einstein, gravitasi hanya bagian dari inersia; pergerakan bintang dan planet-planet timbul dari inersia yang melekat mereka; dan lintasan yang mereka lalui yang ditentukan oleh sifat metrik ruang - atau, lebih tepatnya, sifat kontinum dari metrik ruang-waktu.

(Universe dan Dr.Eintein, Lincoln Barnett, London 1949, halaman 69-72, terjemahan).

Setiap orang yang mempelajari teorinya Enstein dan membaca eksperimen imajinernya di atas, pertama kali akan terkesan dan kagum, dan lalu membenarkan gagasan Einstein tentang gravitasi sesuai imajinasi tersebut: gravitasi bukan suatu gaya/force, melainkan suatu kelembaman atau gerak dari suatu obyek mengikuti lengkungan di ruang angkasa atau Lengkungan Ruang-Waktu. Tidak ada gaya tarik-menarik antara bintang-bintang dan planet-planet.

Pertanyaan: Apakah ada kekeliruan dalam eksperimen imajiner Einstein di atas itu, di mana letak kesalahannya, dan penjelasannya?


Ada kekeliruan, dan kekeliruannya termasuk fatal, karena eksperimen imajiner itu digunakan untuk menjelaskan dan menjadi dasar dari ' persamaan ' dalam teori gravitasinya, yaitu Teori Relativitas Umum atau General Relativity Theory.

Di mana letak kesalahan, dan penjelasannya?

Di dalam eksperimen imajiner di atas digambarkan 3 (tiga) peristiwa yang menjadi obyek pengamatan para fisikawan di dalam elevator/lift :

1.Mereka melihat/merasakan bahwa kaki mereka menekan kuat terhadap lantai lift di bawah mereka.

2.Jika mereka melepaskan benda dari tangan mereka, benda-benda itu terlihat "jatuh" ke lantai lift.

3.Jika mereka melemparkan sebuah benda dalam arah horisontal, benda itu tidak bergerak dalam garis lurus, tapi bergerak melengkung/kurva parabola terhadap lantai lift.

Tiga objek peristiwa di dalam elevator yang bergerak naik ke atas dengan percepatan konstan, di dalam ruang /angkasa yang bebas gravitasi, oleh pengamat di luar elevator (Albert Einstein) diambil suatu kesimpulan bahwa gravitasi bukan suatu gaya (nothing about force). Lebih jauh diambil kesimpulan : 'menggambarkan perilaku objek dalam medan gravitasi - planet-planet, misalnya - tidak dalam hal "gaya tarik" tetapi hanya dalam hal jalan yang mereka ikuti.'

Kekeliruannya, tiga obyek pengamatan sesuai yang dimaksud di atas tidak menggambarkan secara utuh teori gravitasinya Newton, yaitu tidak bisa menggambarkan paling tidak 2 (dua) peristiwa yang disebabkan oleh adanya gaya gravitasi:

1.Peredaran benda-benda angkasa dalam orbitnya, misalnya peredaran planet-planet mengelilingi matahari.

2.Terjadinya gerakan air pasang dan surut disebabkan gaya tarik dari bulan.

Tentu saja akan sangat sulit menggambarkan dua hal tersebut di atas di dalam elevator. Apa yang bisa digambarkan di dalam elevator hanyalah berkaitan dengan benda yang memiliki berat dan massa. Oleh karenanya, eksperimen imajiner tidak bisa lengkap (incomprehensive), tidak logis, dan bisa menyesatkan. Eksperimen imajiner biasa digunakan untuk menjelaskan hasil sesuai apa yang diinginkan oleh yang membuatnya.

Eksperimen imajiner Einstein untuk menjelaskan idenya tentang gravitasi berupa imajinasi sebuah elevator yang naik ke atas dengan percepatan konstan, atau rocket yang melaju ke atas di empty space (bebas gravitasi), atau elevator yang jatuh bebas.


Semuanya itu menjelaskan efek gravitasi terhadap suatu benda, yaitu benda jatuh, berkas sinar yang tampak melengkung di dalam elevator yang jatuh bebas, atau manusia dan benda-benda yang hilang bobotnya sehingga melayang. Tidak ada satupun eksperimen imajinernya yang menjelaskan peredaran benda-benda angkasa dalam orbitnya dan terjadinya pasang-surut (tide-low tide) air laur. 

Dari penjelasan yang tidak lengkap itu Albert Einstein mengambil kesimpulan, bahwa tidak ada cara bagi mereka ( pengamat di dalam elevator atau rocket ) untuk mengatakan apakah mereka beristirahat dalam medan gravitasi, atau naik dengan percepatan konstan melalui luar angkasa di mana tidak ada gravitasi sama sekali. Kesimpulan yang diambil dijadikan semacam prinsip, yang dikenal sebagai The equivalence principle.

Dipandang dari metoda penalaran ilmiah, metoda yang digunakan oleh Albert Einstein ialah metoda penalaran induktif, yaitu penalaran dari hal-hal/kejadian yang khusus, lalu diambil kesimpulan secara umum. Namun kejadian-kejadian khusus yang dijelaskan oleh Albert Einstein tidak lengkap (inconprenhensive), karena justru ada kejadian penting di space-time - menggunakan term yang digunakan - yang tidak bisa dijelaskan dengan eksperimen imajiner, yaitu pengaruh gaya gravitasi yang menyebabkan gerak rotasi benda-benda angkasa dalam orbitnya. Dan juga tidak dijelaskan, pengaruh gaya gravitasi Bulan yang menimbulkan gerakan air laut pasang dan surut.

Metoda penalaran induktif yang salah ini pula yang digunakan oleh LIGO 'menemukan' gelombang gravitasi dari dua black holes tabrakan yang terjadi 1.3 milyar tahun cahaya dari bumi, penemuan itu dipublikasikan pada tanggal 11 Februari yang lalu. Penemuan itu dikatakan oleh LIGO telah membuktikan kebenaran prediksi Einstein pada tahun 1916. Padahal faktanya, Einstein tidak memprediksi dua black holes tabrakan. Albert Einstein dikenal dalam dunia sains sebagai ilmuwan yang enggan menerima gagasan tentang black holes. Ide itu berasal dari persamaan medannya, namun Einstein tidak setuju. Sampai meninggalnya di tahun 1955, Albert Einstein belum merubah pendapatnya : tetap pada pendiriannya enggan menerima gagasan black holes. Sehingga dia dikenal dengan sebutan The Reluctant Father of Black Holes.

Di dalam manuskrip tulisan tangan Einstein pada tahun 1916, yang juga dipublikasikan oleh LIGO, jelas tertulis : "Two celestial bodies in orbit generate ripples in spacetime ...". Terjemahannya " Dua benda angkasa dalam orbitnya menimbulkan gelombang gravitasi ...". Sama sekali tidak ada hubungannya dengan 'penemuan' LIGO ...........Suatu penalaran induktif yang salah jika LIGO mengklaim membenarkan prediksi Einstein di tahun 1916 tentang ripples in spacetime atau gravitational waves, atau jika LIGO mengklaim telah berhasil membuktikan kebenaran teori Relativitas Umum.Einstein.

"It's quite remarkable that, more than 100 years after Einstein's theory was written down, we still don't fully understand what solutions to Einstein's equations look like," Kunesch said. "We still need to establish whether it is completely consistent theoretically. There are still lots of open questions, both on the theoretical level but also on the more experimental level." (5D Black Holes Could Break Relativity)

Einstein's equations look like Einstein's thought experiments, incomprehensive, illogical, and misleading.

The most contradiction between Special and General Relativity Theory is about the existing aether. Special Relativity say aether do not exist, but General Relativity say aether exist. And many of physicist who believe in General Relativity ignored the existing of aether.

Einstein sometimes used the word aether for the gravitational field within general relativity, but this terminology never gained widespread support.

NOW WE KNOW General Relativity is wrong .


24 Februari 2016






“From these purely theoretical considerations Einstein concluded that light, like any material object, travels in a curve when passing through the gravitational field of a massive body. He suggested that his theory could be put to test by observing the path of starlight in the gravitational field of the Sun. Since the stars are invisible by day, there is only one occasion when Sun and stars can be seen together in the sky, and that is during an eclipse.

Einstein proposed therefore, that photographs be taken of the stars immediately bordering the darkened face of the sun during an eclipse and compared with photographs of those same stars made at another time. According to his theory, the light from the stars surrounding the Sun should be bent inward, toward the Sun, in traversing the Sun’s gravitational field; hence the images of these stars should appear to observer on earth to be shifted outward from their usual positions in the sky.

Einstein calculated the degree of deflection that should be observed and predicted that for the stars closest to the Sun the deviation would be about 1.75 seconds of an arc.Since he staked his whole General Theory of Relativity on this test, men of science throughout the world anxiously awaited the findings of expeditions which journeyed to equatorial regions to photograph the eclipse of May 29, 1919. When their pictures were developed and examined, the deflection of the starlight in the gravitational field of the sun was found to average 1.64 seconds – a figure as close to perfect agreement with Einstein’s prediction as the accuracy of instruments allowed.“

The proving method for hypothesis as suggested by Einstein as the theory founder should not be able to be carried out, considering the fact that in scientific exposure in astronomy, the instant observation applies. It means, all calculations to determine the ‘true position’ and the ‘apparent position’ of a certain star at the sky is only applicable at a certain time and at a certain place on which such observation is performed.

The illustration above is not correct,  it means Albert Einstein is not correct as he wrote preface in this book . In reality the Apparent Position is always higher than the True Position of star.

Two illustration below are correct

Newtonian angle of deflection of light by the Sun.( grupounicanes)
In fact, there is not deflection by the Sun, but by Refraction of Light

Refraction means the bending of light rays as they pass through the earth's atmosphere, with the result that the body looks higher than it actually is.

( grupounicanes)

Above incorrect illustration, below another incorrect illustration

If Einstein's theory of relativity was correct, then the light from stars that passed closest to the sun would show the greatest degree of "bending." ( )

If Einstein’s theory of general relativity was correct, then the light from stars that passed closest to the sun would show the greatest  degree of “bending”. And the stars whose light tracks are very far from the sun have their lights not being bent or deflected.

The stars whose lights are not deflected means that there is no difference between the apparent position and the true position of the stars. If being consistent with this theory, it means that all stars visible at night time are at the appearance of the stars on their true positions, because the said stars do not pass through the field of gravity. This is certainly incorrect if it is seen from the astronomical scientific point of view.

The stars  in the sky at night time and seen by the observers, all are stars on apparent positions, not on their true positions. Light deflection is not caused by gravity/gravitational field of the Sun, but by refraction (Newtonian angle of deflection of light "by the Sun').

Albert Einstein proposed three classical tests of the general relativity theory, with comments:
1.the perihelion precession of Mercury’s orbit.
2.the deflection of light by the Sun.
3.the gravitational redshift of light.
"The chief attraction of the theory lies in its logical completeness. If a single one of the conclusions drawn from it proves wrong, it must be given up; to modify it without destroying the whole structure seems to be impossible." (wikipedia).

"Einstein proposed therefore, that photographs be taken of the stars immediately bordering the darkened face of the sun during an eclipse and compared with photographs of those same stars made at another time."


1.Deflection of light is the different angle between true position and apparent  position of stars or the different of altitude. In astronomy, true position and apparent position of stars are three dimensionals.

All the photographs be taken of the stars are two dimensionals.

In this case Einstein ignored 'The Space and Time' or Celestial Sphere (Celestial Coordinate System), the fundamental concept of celestial bodies coordinate in astronomy.

2.All the photographs be taken of solar eclipse ( the Sun and stars ) are photo of the apparent positions of the Sun and stars. From these photos can not be use to calculate the deflection of light. No one can determine the correct angle of the deflection of light. 

In this case Einstein clearly ignorance of the experimental techniques

3.In astronomy, all calculations to determine the true position and the apparent position of a certain star at the sky is only applicable at a certain time and at a certain place on which such observation is performed. 

To compared the photos taken during an eclipse with photos of those same stars made at another time is not scientific.


Einstein's proving method for his hypothesis the deflection of light by the Sun is not scientific and deeply wrong. General relativity has been wrong since the beginning.

Einstein made a mistake in his thought experiments

(page 69)

(page 72)

"This physicists are still in the elevator, but this time they really are in the empty space, far away from the attractive power of any celestial body.A cable is attached to the roof of the elevator; some supernatural force begins reeling in the cable; and the elevator travels "upward" with constant acceleration, i.e. progressively faster and faster. Again the men in the car have no idea where they are, and again they perform experiments to evaluate their situation. This time they notice that their feet press solidly against the floor come up beneath them. 

If they release objects from their hands, the objects appear to "fall".If they toss object in a horizontal direction they do not move uniformly in a straight line, but describe a parabolic curve with respect to the floor

And so the scientist, who have no idea that their windowless car actually is climbing through interstellar space, conclude that they are situated in quite ordinary circumstances in a stationary room rigidly attached to the earth and affected in normal measure by the force of gravity. There is no way for them to tell whether they are at rest in a gravitational field or ascending with constant acceleration through outer space where there is no gravity at all.
So Einstein's Law of Gravitation contain nothing about force. It describes the behavior of objects in a gravitational field - the planets, for example - not in terms "attraction" but simply in the terms of the paths they follow. To Einstein, gravitation is simply part of inertia; the movements of stars and the planets arise from their inherent inertia; and the courses they follow are determined by the metric properties of space -- or, more properly speaking, the metric properties of the space-time continum. 

(Universe and Dr.Eintein, Lincoln Barnett, London 1949,  page 69 - 72).

Thought experiments can be made to obtain the result they wanted to get.  Likewise, thought experiments made by Albert Einstein. But with a little explanation we can use Einstein's thought experiment above to confirm the validity of Newton's Law of Gravity.

The elevator in the Einstein's thought experiment describe space-time, but unable / hard to describe the objects in space-time. Space-time is space  with the objects (celestial bodies). "the elevator" travels 'upward' with constant acceleration  means space-time without any objects/celestial bodies travels upward in space.  Einstein made a mistake in his thought experiments.

'There is no way for them to tell whether they are at rest in a gravitational field or ascending with constant acceleration through outer space where there is no gravity at all.''

There is a way for them to tell that they are at rest in a gravitational field. For them, they have no idea about constant acceleration through outer space. Again, the men in the elevator have no idea where they are, and they perform experiments to evaluate their situation. 

The men  in the elevator pay attention that their feet press solidly against the floor come up beneath them. If they release objects from their hands, the objects appear to 'fall'.  And they know they are at rest in a gravitational field,  and affected by the force of gravity in accordance with the  Newton's Law of Gravity.


Paperback Edisi Bahasa Indonesia

Ebook Kindle

Again, thought experiments can be made to obtain the result they wanted to get. 

In the case we want to describe the Newton's Law of Gravity, we can use Einstein's thought experiments:

"Physicists are in the elevator. They really are in the empty space, far away from the attractive power of any celestial body.

A cable is attached to the roof of the elevator; some supernatural force begins reeling in the cable; and the elevator travels "upward" with constant acceleration, i.e. progressively faster and faster. Again the men in the car have no idea where they are, and again they perform experiments to evaluate their situation. This time they notice that their feet press solidly against the floor come up beneath them. 

If they release objects from their hands, the objects appear to "fall".If they toss object in a horizontal direction they do not move uniformly in a straight line, but describe a parabolic curve with respect to the floor. 

And so the scientist, who have no idea that their windowless car actually is climbing through interstellar space, they have no idea about constant acceleration through outer space. 

The men  in the elevator notice that their feet press solidly against the floor come up beneath them. If they release objects from their hands, the objects appear to "fall".  And they conclude that they are situated in quite ordinary circumstances in a stationary room rigidly attached to the earth and affected by the force of gravity in accordance with the  Newton's Law of Gravity"

However, I do not recommend using it, because it is illogical.
See comments in Nature: 

Gravitational waves: How LIGO forged the path to victory

Last update: 27 February 2016

NOW WE KNOW General Relativity is wrong .


19 Februari 2016



LIGO expert : "But I am certain, Einstein has always been right"

Has Einstein always been right about Black Holes ?

courtesy google image

Black Holes kenyataannya tidak ada, dan memang tidak bisa dilihat secara langsung oleh teleskop Hubble. Dianggap ada berdasarkan analisis karakternya yang bisa dideteksi. Hanya teori, dan teori dikembangkan berdasarkan persamaan medannya Albert Einstein.

3 Februari 2016


For more than 100 years, we’ve only been playing around in experiments so far
Genius has two sides, cleverness and stupidity. General relativity is the stupidity. 

Einstein's proving method for his hypothesis of general relativity via eclipse is not scientific. Did you have any reason and facts?

Yes.Let's look at the picture below.

 Courtesy of google image

At the picture we see an illustration the deflection of starlight by gravity. Deflection of light is a different angular between Actual Position and Apparent position of star. Another term for Actual position is True Position, and another term for Apparent position is Observed Position of star. In astronomy, true position and observed position of star is three dimensional (the Celestial Coordinate System). In practice,  the deflection of light is a different Altitude or Height (H) between height of star at true position and height of star at observed position.

Then, let see the proving method as suggested by Albert Einstein:

“From these purely theoretical considerations Einstein concluded that light, like any material object, travels in a curve when passing through the gravitational field of a massive body. He suggested that his theory could be put to test by observing the path of starlight in the gravitational field of the sun. Since the stars are invisible by day, there is only one occasion when sun and stars can be seen together in the sky, and that is during an eclipse.

Einstein proposed therefore, that photographs be taken of the stars immediately bordering the darkened face of the sun during an eclipse and compared with photographs of those same stars made at another time. According to his theory, the light from the stars surrounding the sun should be bent inward, toward the sun, in traversing the sun’s gravitational field; hence the images of these stars should appear to observer on earth to be shifted outward from their usual positions in the sky.

Einstein calculated the degree of deflection that should be observed and predicted that for the stars closest to the sun the deviation would be about 1.75” (Lincoln Barnett, The Universe and Dr.Einstein, London, Victor Gollanez LTD, First Published June 1949, Preface by Albert Einstein, page 78-79 ).

Reasons and Facts ::

1. “Einstein proposed therefore, that photographs be taken of the stars immediately bordering the darkened face of the sun during an eclipse and compared with photographs of those same stars made at another time.”

The words ‘ made at another time ‘  means it was  NOT SCIENTIFIC in the scientific point of view of astronomy. Deeply wrong.

2.The deflection of light is a different angular between True Positions and Apparent Positions of the stars. From Einstein’s proving method via eclipse no one can determine True Positions of the star All of photographs be taken of the stars, before eclipse and during eclipse are the conditions of the stars in Apparent Positions.

It is really hard to understand that Einstein’s proving method of his hypothesis that was not scientific,  that was conducted by a team led by Arthur Eddington in 1919 solar Eclipse.

Expedition 1919 Solar Eclipse

Based on data from the Royal Astronomical Society, Arthur Eddington aimed to the group of Hyade stars from the city of Oxford in England at the nights in the months of January and February 1919. After that, Eddington together with his team left for Principe Island in West of Africa, and aimed to the Hyade stars during the solar eclipse on the date of May 29, 1919 at the city of Roca Sundy. Andrew Crommelin's team aimed to the Hyade stars during the solar eclipse from Sobral, Brazil.

Oxford, Roca Sundy and Sobral has it own CELESTIAL SPHERE : Celestial Sphere for an observer in Oxford, Celestial Sphere for an observer in Roca Sundy.and Celestial Sphere for an observer in Sobral.   

Portrait of star taken by an observer from Oxford and portrait the same star from Roca Sundy ( and from Sobral ) can not be compared, because the Celestial Sphere is only applicable at a certain time and at a certain place on which such observation is performed.

The result was ERROR. 

Facts :

Error and the deflection of light was certainly not measurable. 

Einstein predicted : 1.75 seconds of an arc.

Arthur Eddington : 1.61seconds of an arc. (During 1919 eclipse an observer in Roca Sundy. The weather conditions in Roca Sundy. Principe Island-West Africa, were interferret with by clouds).

Andrew Crommelin: 0.93 seconds of an arc.(During 1919 eclipse an observer in Sobral. The weather conditions in Sobral, Brazil, were excellent).

That is why Einstein never received a Nobel prize for relativity

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1921 was awarded to Albert Einstein "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect".The Nobel citation reads that Einstein is honoured for "services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect".

At first glance, the reference to theoretical physics could have been a back door through which the committee acknowledged relativity. However, there was a caveat stating that the award was presented "without taking into account the value that will be accorded your relativity and gravitation theories after these are confirmed in the future".

To many, and to Einstein himself, this felt like a slap in the face. Hadn't Eddington proved the theory? Yes, but the trouble was Eddington's observations had not been perfect and he had discarded data he considered poor from his final analysis.

Hadn't Eddington proved the theory?  NO. THAT WAS ERROR. BIG LIE IN SCIENCE FOR MORE THAN 100 YEARS

You can applied Einstein's proving method 1000 times and the result will be ERROR !

Read More:

About Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington 

Just experiments, again and again ....We’ve only been playing around in Newton’s world so far
If a scientist conveys a theory and at the same time shows its proving method, however after being examined it is found out that his proposed proving method is proven to be unable to be performed due to not being scientific, then automatically such proposed theory prematurely falls by itself. And the test cannot be carried out by other methods not as requested by the theory founder, since it is reasonably assumed that such proving is made based on belief. 


Powerful telescopes and huge gravitational wave detectors will test a theory that one man worked out a century ago with a pencil and paper.

Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity remade gravity and solved problems that Newton’s theory couldn’t. It’s passed each of the dozens of experimental tests devised since its debut in 1915. But physicists have barely gotten started.

“We’ve only been playing around in Newton’s world so far,” says Neil Cornish, a physicist at Montana State University. That will soon change, though, as several bold experiments enabled by telescopes of unprecedented reach — and in some cases by entirely new ways to gather data — are poised to study how gravity behaves around some of the universe’s most extreme objects.

“This is where general relativity really gets going,” says Cornish. Powerful telescopes are already looking for minute hiccups in the whirring of stellar corpses called pulsars. A global effort will soon photograph, for the first time, a black hole. And huge gravitational wave detectors will scan thousands of galaxies for tiny ripples in the cosmic fabric of space-time.

Each of these experiments — some of the most ambitious ever conceived — will test a theory that one man worked out a century ago with pencil and paper. Yet most physicists are still betting on that one man.

 Read More :



If Einstein's theory of general relativity was correct, then the light from stars that passed closest to the sun would show the greatest degree of bending, and the stars whose light tracks are very far from the sun have their lights not being bent or deflected. The stars whose lights are not deflected means that there is no difference between the apparent position and the true position of the stars.
If being consistent with this theory, it means that all stars visible at night time are at the appearance of the stars on their true positions, because the said stars do not pass through the field of gravity. This is certainly incorrect if it is seen from the astronomical scientific point of view. The stars in the sky at night time and seen by the observers, all are stars on apparent positions, not on their true positions.

Einstein ignored light refraction: astronomical refraction and terrestrial refraction, and ignored three dimensional positions of stars (celestial sphere coordinate system), when he proposed the proving method for general relativity. Einstein's proving method via eclipse is not scientific and deeply wrong. General Relativity has been wrong since the beginning.

Did you know news in Physics 11 February 2016 (LIGO Experiment )?

Ironically amazing, collision of two black holes was detected and to prove  'The Reluctant Father of Black Holes' was right.


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