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19 Agustus 2017


It is worth remembering Max Planck's response to Einstein when initially told of Einstein's plan to generalize relativity to include accelerated motions and explain gravitation as a geometric phenomena rather than being due to Newton's instantaneous action-at-a-distance "force".

Planck said: 'You are almost certainly wrong, and even if you are right, no one will believe you.'

Evidently, back ground of spacetime idea because he has no idea on the basic of astronomy; and not knowing that space and time has been applied in astronomy for long time ago. Einstein admired to Riemann geometry and 4 D (dimension) Minkovsky space, without considering the fact that Riemann geometry and Miskovsky space were not applied in astronomy. Therefore, his equation of general relativity (EFE) has no scientific meaning in astronomy.

Paperback-172 Pages

Kindle eBook Amazon

Navigator Reveals The Fact


Hypothesis and Einstein proposed test of general relativity are closely related to astronomy, especially celestial navigation. For understanding that hypothesis and the test are not valid, physics training is needed; but more importantly is celestial navigation training. Unfortunately, physicists and astrophysicists are not trained to become experts in the field of celestial navigation. The navigators around the world will be easily to recognize the fatal flaws of these hypotheses and test. Actually, general relativity can not be proven or tested in any way. No doubt, the entire tests that says ‘general relativity is correct’ really are the case of ‘knowing the result they wanted to get’.

44 Articles on Medium April, 2016 - Sebtember , 2017

1.How to Show Gravity Affects Light

2.Where Does Energy of Inflation (Cosmology) Come From?

3.Einstein’s Thought Experiment Proves Newton Was Right.

4.I Need Not Prove My Claim, You Must Prove It Is False!-August 2017.

5.Einstein’s Thought Experiment Proves Special Relativity Is False

6.A Single Observation that Disagrees with the Prediction of General Relativity

7.The Field Equations of Gravitation (EFE) Violates the Basic of Astronomy

8.EEP: The Fallacy of Composition.

9.How could a Small Warped Spacetime Orbits a Large Warped Spacetime?

10.Top 4 Reasons Why GPS Doesn’t Need Einstein's Relativity.

11.Why Should We Return to the Moon?

12.What Causes Mercury’s Orbit the Most Eccentric?

13.Gravitational Lensing: Forcing a Claim in Science

14.Logical Fallacies of Standard Model of Physics Over Decades.

"Obviously the astronomers has to think of the Universe as space-time continuum."(Albert Einstein).
From this statement we know that the back ground of spacetime idea because he has no idea on the basic of astronomy; and not knowing that space and time has been applied in astronomy namely the celestial sphere coordinates system, for long time ago. Einstein admired to Riemann geometry and 4 D Minkovsky space, without considering the fact that Riemann geometry and Miskovsky space were not applied in astronomy. Einstein had not realized space-time continuum is a manifold. There is no such manifold in astronomy.

15.Black Holes and Big Bang are the Old Stories.

Can the eclipse tell us if Einstein was right about general relativity?

Unfortunately, I have to answer honestly: No, that's impossible because Einstein's hypothesis is not valid.(

Paperback-74 Pages

16.Why Doesn’t the Earth Fall Towards the Sun?

17.Testing General Relativity with Present and Future Astrophysical Observations

18.Is It True that Newton’s Gravity is Not as Good as Einstein's Gravity?

19.An Important Thing Einstein Had Failed

20.Gravitational Waves vs Gravity Waves

21.What Happens If Gravity Probe B Succeeded Test General Relativity?

22.What Happens If the Force of Gravity Doesn't Exist?

23.Use Equivalence Principle And You’ll Look Like Einstein’s Happiest Thought

24.High School Students Easily Be Able to Understand Einstein’s Gravity Is False

25.Why Didn’t They Know Nonsense?

26.A Confirmation of General Relativity Won The Nobel Prize!

27.Eclipse’s Data of 1919 -1973 Verify Einstein’s Prediction Really Doesn't Work.

28.Experimental Evidence Predictions of General Relativity Don't Work

29.What Is The Most Accurate Telescope?

30.VLBI Measurements: Only One Can Be Right.

31.Gravity Probe B: Mission Impossible?

32.Why Didn’t They Know 3D+1D Space and Time?

33.Astronomical Data Prove Spacetime Fiction.

34.Logical Fallacies Of Einstein's Theory.

35.Prediction on the 2017 Eclipse Proves Einstein Was Wrong.

36.Einstein’s Proving Method Via Eclipse Is Not Scientifically Correct and Deeply Wrong.

37.What’s Wrong With Measuring The Speed of Gravity in 2002?

38.Albert Einstein Failed in Three Classical Tests (Kindle eBook):

Paperback-Length 100 Pages

The main problem of general relativity is not test of hypothesis, but the hypothesis itself. Hypothesis and Einstein proposed test of general relativity are closely related to astronomy, especially celestial navigation. For understanding that hypothesis and the test are not valid, physics training is needed; but more importantly is celestial navigation training. The navigators around the world will be easily to know the fatal mistakes of Einstein's theories. 

Actually, general relativity can not be proven or tested in any way. No doubt, the entire tests that say ‘general relativity is correct’; really are the case of ‘knowing the result they wanted to get’. 

Last update: 7 Sebtember 2017

39.Sphere of Space and Time

41.Albert Einstein Began by Rejecting the Ether Theory.

42.Deflection of Light by Refraction, Not Gravity (Curve Geometry of Spacetime)

43.Albert Einstein’s Thought Experiment and Equivalence Principle are Misleading.

44.No doubt: Einstein’s General Theory Of Relativity Was Wrong-April, 2016.

Albert Einstein Was Innocent!

I know many renowned physicists (an inventor, professor, and experts) have rejected Einstein's theory. They had submitted their proof to Nature, but always rejected by Nature. Moreover, if they know that paper is made by someone who is not famous.

It made me think (maybe I was wrong), no need for peer review paper. International journals will refuse it. They are very embarrassed to publish it when knowing Einstein's mistake is an elementary level. The high school students easily are able to know about it. If they published it, it will drop the reputation of many the world renowned scientists and Universities (again, maybe I was wrong).

Actually, what I have found is not the same as they have found. What I have found was written in the book 'The Universe and Dr.Einstein', by Lincoln Barnett, London, 1949, foreword by Albert Einstein himself, page 78-79. He (Einstein) unknowingly has demonstrated to the world that he had no idea on the basic of astronomy.(Lincoln Barnett,The Universe and Dr Einstein)

Einstein's hypothesis of GR and he proposed test via eclipse are closely related to astronomy, especially celestial navigation. The navigators around the world easily are able to know:

1. Einstein’s hypothesis of GR is invalid. GR cannot be proven or tested in anyway whatsoever.

2. Einstein would like to measure deflection of light by the sun; but he proposed test deflection of light by earth's atmosphere. He had not realized about it. Ironically, this test is not scientifically correct and deeply wrong (as seen from scientifically of astronomy).

I think the next generation of scientists must know the truth about Einstein's relativity; as presented by a gentleman scientist below:

Is Einstein's Greatest Work All Wrong—Because He Didn't Go Far Enough? From a farmhouse in the English countryside, gentleman scientist Julian Barbour plots to take relativity to its logical extreme and redefine the very nature of gravity, space, and time. (Discovery Magazine)


17 Agustus 2017


The objects appear to fall

A cable is attached to the roof of the elevator; some supernatural force begins reeling in the cable; and the elevator travels “upward” with constant acceleration, i.e. progressively faster and faster. Again the men in the car have no idea where they are, and again they perform experiments to evaluate their situation. This time they notice that their feet press solidly against the floor come up beneath them.

16 Agustus 2017


Figure 1: Mercury-Photo by NASA

Witness gravity’s quantum side in the lab: Physicists should rethink interference experiments to reveal whether or not general relativity follows classical theory, argue Chiara Marletto and Vlatko Vedral. (Nature, 11 July 2017)

A planetary system is a set of gravitationally bound non-stellar objects in orbit around a star or star system.
All planets on the planetary system revolving around the Sun due the force of gravity between the Sun and planets. They didn’t to get collide or fall toward the Sun due to the fact, there is no motion without a cause. There are also forces from planets and medium between them in the opposite direction. This phenomena can be pictured in the formula: 
Energy in =Energy out, and the result is a balance.

14 Agustus 2017


Figure 1: Hubble Space Telescope Orbits

Gravitational Lensing?

For an observer in North latitudes, the best place in the sky is the constellation Ursa Major, the familiar Big Dipper. In addition to being very easy to spot, it has the advantage of being a circumpolar constellation. That is, at latitudes greater than 30 degrees North, it is visible in the night sky at any time of year.It contains three bright stars: Alioth and Alkaid in the handle, and Dubhe.Dubhe is the so-called ‘pointer star’, leading the eye in the direction of Polaris, the North star.

13 Agustus 2017


The culmination of the Standard model was the discovery of the Higgs boson: earlier this decade at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.(The Higgs boson-CERN).What happens if genereal relativity really is not valid?

Aristotle is credited with the earliest study of formal logic, and his conception of it was the dominant form of Western logic until 19th century advances in mathematical logic.Kant stated in the Critique of Pure Reason (Preface to the Second Edition, 1787) that with Aristotle logic reached its completion.

Logic, from the Ancient Greek: λογική, originally meaning “the word” or “what is spoken”, but coming to mean “thought” or “reason”, is generally held to consist of the systematic study of the form of arguments. A valid argument is one where there is a specific relation of logical support between the assumptions of the argument and its conclusion. In ordinary discourse, the conclusion of such an argument may be signified by words like therefore, hence, ergo and so on.


Prometheus brings fire to mankind as told by Hesiod, with its having been hidden as revenge for the trick at Mecone-Wikipedia

Are you a fan of old stories? Old stories are very interesting, and often can give inspirations. For example, the story of Prometheus steals fire from heaven, or a newer, stories about black holes and big bang. Facts say that the old stories are still having a lot of fans.

So many people today — and even professional scientists — seem to me like somebody who has seen thousands of trees but has never seen a forest. (Albert Einstein). So many people today, actually, including Albert Einstein himself.

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