LIGO expert : "But I am certain, Einstein has always been right"
Has Einstein always been right about Black Holes ?

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Black Holes kenyataannya tidak ada, dan memang tidak bisa dilihat
secara langsung oleh teleskop Hubble. Dianggap ada berdasarkan analisis
karakternya yang bisa dideteksi. Hanya teori, dan teori dikembangkan
berdasarkan persamaan medannya Albert Einstein.
Ide tentang black holes baru ada sekitar tahun 1924, dan sebelum itu belum ada. Oleh karena itu penemuan LIGO yang baru-baru ini diumumkan dengan mempublikasikan tulisan tangan (manuscript) Einstein tahun 1916 adalah suatu kebohongan.
Ide tentang black holes baru ada sekitar tahun 1924, dan sebelum itu belum ada. Oleh karena itu penemuan LIGO yang baru-baru ini diumumkan dengan mempublikasikan tulisan tangan (manuscript) Einstein tahun 1916 adalah suatu kebohongan.
Di manuscript tahun 1916 itu jelas tertulis, terjemahannya: dua benda
angkasa dalam orbitnya akan menimbulkan riak/gelombang gravitasi.
"the curator for Einstein's archives, Roni Grosz, points to one of the critical equations from Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, which predicts that two celestial bodies in orbit will generate invisible ripples in spacetime that experts call gravitational waves:" ( )
Two celestial bodies IN ORBIT
Newton : caused by gravity.
Einstein : caused by ........what? will generate ripples in spacetime.
LIGO : I am certain, Einstein has always been right
Student : ripples in spacetime? It seem is not scientific.
Ernest Rutherford : it as a joke
Frederick Soddy : a swindle
Bertrand Russell : all contained in the Lorentz transformation
"the curator for Einstein's archives, Roni Grosz, points to one of the critical equations from Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, which predicts that two celestial bodies in orbit will generate invisible ripples in spacetime that experts call gravitational waves:" ( )
Pengertian 'orbit' adalah Lintasan Peredaran benda-benda angkasa mengelilingi obyek lainnya, misalnya orbit planet-planet mengelilingi Matahari.
Gerak dan lintasan peredaran atau Orbit benda-benda angkasa (celestial bodies ) disebabkan oleh adanya Gaya Gravitasi (Teori Newton ). Teori Gravitasi Newton ini sudah mapan sejak abad-17 sampai sekarang ini, dan diterapkan dalam berbagai bidang keilmuan antara lain Fisika dan Astronomi.
Namun menurut Einstein, gravitasi bukan suatu gaya ( gravity is not a force ) melainkan karena adanya Lengkungan Ruang-Waktu (spacetime). Sehingga menurut Einstein, dua benda angkasa dalam orbitnya (In Orbit), akan menimbulkan gelombang gravitas (gravitational waves).
Sederhananya :
Teori Newton : Orbit disebabkan oleh adanya gaya tarik-menarik antara obyek / gaya gravitasi.
Einstein : Orbit menimbulkan gelombang gravitasi. (Ripple in SpaceTime, atau Gravitational Waves).
Prediksi ini tertulis berupa tulisan tangan Einstein, dikenal sebagai Manuscript 1916.
Sedangkan yang terdeteksi oleh peralatan LIGO, kata expert mereka,
adalah riak/gelombang berasal dari tabrakan dua black holes yang
terletak 1,3 miliar tahun cahaya dari bumi.
"An all-star international team of astrophysicists used an exquisitely sensitive, $1.1 billion set of twin instruments known as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, or LIGO, to detect a gravitational wave generated by the collision of two black holes 1.3 billion light-years from Earth."( )
"An all-star international team of astrophysicists used an exquisitely sensitive, $1.1 billion set of twin instruments known as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, or LIGO, to detect a gravitational wave generated by the collision of two black holes 1.3 billion light-years from Earth."( )
Sangat jelas
perbedaannya, benda angkasa 'dalam orbitnya' berarti dalam kondisi
normal. Tabrakan dua black holes adalah kondisi tidak normal.
Oleh karena itu sebenarnya tidak ada hubungannya antara penemuan LIGO di
tahun 2016 dengan prediksi Einstein dalam manuscrip 1916 itu. Jelasnya,
prediksi dalam manuscript 1916 itu BELUM TERBUKTI kebenarannya.
LIGO discovery in 2016 nothing to do with Einstein's manuscript in 1916.Two celestial bodies IN ORBIT will generate invisible ripples in spacetime, yet to be proven.
LIGO discovery in 2016 nothing to do with Einstein's manuscript in 1916.Two celestial bodies IN ORBIT will generate invisible ripples in spacetime, yet to be proven.
Dan lagi, walaupun persamaan medannya digunakan untuk mengembangkan
teori black holes, Einstein sendiri di masa hidupnya ENGGAN MENERIMA
teori itu. Sehingga majalah ScientificAmerican menjulukinya sebagai: The
Reluctant Father of Black Holes.
Lebih-lebih lagi Arthur
Eddington, yang di awal lahirnya teori relativitas umum dianggap sebagai
salah satu dari 3 orang "yang paling mengerti" teori ini, pada tahun
1924 menyangkal ide tentang black hole....
Two celestial bodies IN ORBIT
Newton : caused by gravity.
Einstein : caused by ........what? will generate ripples in spacetime.
LIGO : I am certain, Einstein has always been right
Student : ripples in spacetime? It seem is not scientific.
Ernest Rutherford : it as a joke
Frederick Soddy : a swindle
Bertrand Russell : all contained in the Lorentz transformation
Sun Tzu : Deception.
There is no such thing as spacetime in reality. Spacetime just a mathematical model
About Gravity Waves and Gravitational Waves
Gravitational waves are waves that vibrate through spacetime itself, as a result of gravitational forces.
Gravity waves are a term for more conventional waves, in either matter or a fluid, that are caused by gravity. Both tides and tsunamis are examples of these conventional gravity waves, since they are driven by the force of gravity. (
There is no diference between gravity waves and gravitational waves. In reality both are waves, just waves driven by gravity.
Two celestial bodies/black holes COLLIDE
Einstein: No, I do not believe this! It is not my idea!
Student: It comes from your equations, prof .....
Einstein: Oh My Super Intelligence ! They stole from me, but they do not understand!
Newton: Ha ..ha ..ha .ha ......
Student: (.. Genius? ) Hik.hik.hik.....
Based on thought experiments, and the result is not scientific and deeply wrong.
Thought experiments and equations can be made to obtain the result they wanted to get,
"Einstein's use of a thought experiment, together with his ignorance of experimental techniques, gave a result which fooled himself and generations of scientists."
Student: (.. Genius? ) Hik.hik.hik.....
Based on thought experiments, and the result is not scientific and deeply wrong.
Thought experiments and equations can be made to obtain the result they wanted to get,
"Einstein's use of a thought experiment, together with his ignorance of experimental techniques, gave a result which fooled himself and generations of scientists."
Ripples in spacetime or gravitational waves caused by "two black hole collide" has been detected by LIGO, but nothing to do with Einstein's manuscript 1916, because in manuscript had been written 'in orbit', not 'collide'. Fact, in 1916 - 1924 there is no idea about black holes, and after 1924 Einstein didn't believe in black holes.
"Two celestial bodies in orbit will generate invisible ripples in spacetime " has yet to be proven.
There is no reasons to says: "Gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces, so only the most extreme events — black holes colliding, neutron stars twirling, a supernova erupting — would produce detectable waves."
What is needed is the evidence of gravitational waves from two celestial bodies in orbit
Accuracy of experiments or observations should be repeated many times until it found an outcome that is truly accurate. Gravitational waves from the collision of two black hole, one or two times more, can they get it?
Einstein's proving method for his hypothesis in general relativity theory 'the deflection of light by the Sun' not scientific and deeply wrong.
What is needed is the evidence of gravitational waves from two celestial bodies in orbit
Accuracy of experiments or observations should be repeated many times until it found an outcome that is truly accurate. Gravitational waves from the collision of two black hole, one or two times more, can they get it?
Szabolcs Marka, Professor of Physics- Expert in LIGO says : "A physicist is always looking for a flaw in a theory".
You got it, Professor ! Einstein's proving method for his hypothesis in general relativity theory 'the deflection of light by the Sun' not scientific and deeply wrong.
That is why the most famously experiment in a total solar eclipse of 1919, .actually was error. This experiment is made based on belief, and the proving method is not scientific.
Stephen Hawking said: ".that later examination of the photographs taken on that expedition showed the errors were as great as the effect they were trying to measure. Their measurement had been sheer luck, or a case of knowing the result they wanted to get, not an uncommon occurrence in science"
Professor Laura Mersini-Houghton says Black Holes Do Not Exist
NASA Says Indian Scientist's Theory Is Correct, Black Holes Don't Really Exist