ironically amazing..............
Albert Einstein first predicted the existence of gravitational waves in 1916.
Here's his original hand-written logic (on left), which the genius later converted into a typed manuscript (on right):
This remarkably preserved piece of history is kept at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Albert Einstein Archives, which contains about 55,000 items of Einstein's works, over the course of his lifetime.
In fact, Albert Einstein was one of the university's first Board of Governors — an influential member who helps run a university — and left all of his personal papers, as well as the copyright to them, to the university in his Will.
Here, the curator for Einstein's archives, Roni Grosz, points to one of the critical equations from Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, which predicts that two celestial bodies in orbit will generate invisible ripples in spacetime that experts call gravitational waves:
On Feb. 11, 2016 an international collaboration of scientists working with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) announced that 100 years after Einstein's prediction, they had successfully detected gravitational waves for the first time.
That same day, curator Grosz dug up Einstein's original manuscripts for gravitational waves, and posed for the camera in celebration of the momentous achievement:
The LIGO team's discovery not only confirms Einstein's prediction, but it also opens a new way to study the universe.
Some of the most powerful events in the universe, like two colliding black holes or a supernova explosion, generate powerful gravitational waves. These events are also some of the most mysterious because astrophysicists don't understand why black holes collide or what triggers a supernova. Gravitational waves could help solve some of these mysteries.
Collision of two black holes was detected and to prove 'The Reluctant Father of Black Holes' was right.?
"the curator for Einstein's archives, Roni Grosz, points to one of the critical equations from Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, which predicts that two celestial bodies in orbit will generate invisible ripples in spacetime that experts call gravitational waves:"
1. ripples in spacetime? Oh NO. Spacetime just a Mathematical Model, Not in Reality.
2. "two celestial bodies in orbit":
a."two celestial bodies" in Einstein's manuscript 1916 isn't Black Holes, because at that time (1916) there is no idea about Black Hole.
b."in orbit" isn't collision.
3."that experts call gravitational waves". In fact, there is no explanation from Einstein himself what he means with 'ripples in spacetime'.
"Some of the most powerful events in the universe, like two colliding black holes or a supernova explosion, generate powerful gravitational waves. These events are also some of the most mysterious because astrophysicists don't understand why black holes collide ......"
"because astrophysicists don't understand why black holes collide ....." True or Not True, LIGO Experts detected the collision of two black holes ?
Einstein's 1916 manuscript " that two celestial bodies IN ORBIT will generate invisible ripples in spacetime".But LIGO experiment say " that two Black Hole Collide ", nothing to do with Einstein's prediction.
Repeating Error 1919 Eclipse Expeiment / Arthur Eddington ?
a few days of starting operation, the advanced detector registered somet'hing,
which the physicists say fits the description of two black holes
experiment is made based on belief , repeating error in 1919 eclipse experiment (Arthur Eddington).
one of LIGO expert says:
also was a great experience , a great pleasure, even if no gravitational waves
would be found. But I am certain, Einstein has always been right.”
Did they
know : Albert Einstein is The Reluctant Father of Black Holes.His equations of
gravity are the foundation of the modern view of black holes; ironically, he
used the equations in trying to prove these objects cannot exist
Prof.Laura Mersini-Houghton said : Black hole do not exist and the Big Bang
Theory is not correct, (and she has the maths to prove it).
Prof.Stephen Hawking said in Nature : There are NO Black Hole.(January, 2014).
But in 2016 LIGO expert has been detect the collision of two black
hole, to prove Einstein was right on his prediction of "ripples in spacetime"..
That is very ironically amazing.
""The signal sweeps upward in frequency from 35 and 250 Hz with a peak gravitational-wave strain of 1.0 x 10^-21. It matches waveform predicted by general relativity for the inspiral and merger of a pair of black holes and the ringdown of the resulting single black hole. The signal was observed with a matched-filter signal-to-noise ratio of 24 and a false alarm rate estimated to be less than 1 event per 203 000 years...."
But :
1.Einstein is The Reluctant Father of Black Holes.
2.Einstein's manuscript 1916 : " two celestial bodies IN ORBIT will generate invisible ripples in spacetime",.
3.At that time (1916) there is no idea about black holes.
LIGO detect gravitational wave (ripples in spacetime) caused by " two black holes collide ".
4."two objects in orbit” can not be assumed as “two objects collide”.
' in orbit ' and 'collide ' is very different,
5.So what ?
LIGO discovery in 2016 nothing to do with Einstein's prediction in manuscript 1916. Two celestial bodies IN ORBIT will generate invisible ripples in spacetime, yet to be proven.
""The signal sweeps upward in frequency from 35 and 250 Hz with a peak gravitational-wave strain of 1.0 x 10^-21. It matches waveform predicted by general relativity for the inspiral and merger of a pair of black holes and the ringdown of the resulting single black hole. The signal was observed with a matched-filter signal-to-noise ratio of 24 and a false alarm rate estimated to be less than 1 event per 203 000 years...."
But :
1.Einstein is The Reluctant Father of Black Holes.
2.Einstein's manuscript 1916 : " two celestial bodies IN ORBIT will generate invisible ripples in spacetime",.
3.At that time (1916) there is no idea about black holes.
LIGO detect gravitational wave (ripples in spacetime) caused by " two black holes collide ".
4."two objects in orbit” can not be assumed as “two objects collide”.
' in orbit ' and 'collide ' is very different,
5.So what ?
LIGO discovery in 2016 nothing to do with Einstein's prediction in manuscript 1916. Two celestial bodies IN ORBIT will generate invisible ripples in spacetime, yet to be proven.