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10 April 2017


Experimental Evidence Predictions of General Relativity Don’t Work

Why Einstein will never be wrong. One of the benefits of being an astrophysicist is your weekly email from someone who claims to have “proven Einstein wrong”. These either contain no mathematical equations and use phrases such as “it is obvious that..”, or they are page after page of complex equations with dozens of scientific terms used in non-traditional ways. They all get deleted pretty quickly, not because astrophysicists are too indoctrinated in established theories, but because none of them acknowledge how theories get replaced.(Prof.Brian Koberlein).
Of course not, obviously not because astrophysicists are too indoctrinated in established theories, but because astrophycists (and physicists) has no experiences in celestial navigation as a navigator at sea (not less than two years).

Invalidity hypothesis, EPM isn't scientifically correct, illustration incorrect

Two Fatal Mistakes: He wants measuring deflection of light by the Sun; but he proposed test measuring deflection of light by Earth’s atmosphere; he had not realized about that. Ironically, this test is not scientifically correct and deeply wrong. And ..........London News, November 22, 1919 had published incorrect illustration around the world, that is make a lot of authors on the popular scientific like Lincoln Barnett got wrong in his book.
Modern scientists are doing too much trusting and not enough verifying, that’s why many of scientists was involved to get wrong, for example, this explanation is incorrect:
Equatorial Coordinate System.This is the preferred coordinate system to pinpoint objects on the celestial sphere. Unlike the horizontal coordinate system, equatorial coordinates are independent of the observer’s location and the time of the observation. This means that only one set of coordinates is required for each object, and that these same coordinates can be used by observers in different locations and at different times.(AstronomyCOSMOS)
Equatorial coordinates are not independent of the observer’s location and the time of the observation, and that these same coordinates can not be used by observers in different locations and at different times. Each place in the Earth lets say Oxford in UK and Principe Island in West-Africa has it own equatorial coordinates, these coordinates depend on geographic position: i.e. latitude and longitude. The same of object in the sky, a star, that can be can be photographed from Oxford and Principe Island in the different time; can not be compared for calculate deviation of the star.

Alphonsus Kelly, an Ireland engineer, in his lecture at Trinity College, Dublin, on February 15, 1996, stated that the Einstein’s Relativity theory might be wrong. Kelly revealed the experiment of Sagnac, the French physicist in the year 1914, showing that the time taken by a light to complete one rotation is found to be different from the time taken by one rotation in opposite direction. The Sagnac’s experiment proved that the speed of light was not constant. It is different from Einstein’s theory stating that the light velocity is constant.
Reaction was given by an English astronomer, Arnold Wolfendale, stating that to design an experiment to prove that the light velocity is not constant is really a difficult thing to do.
“ You cannot demolish a very strong theory such as Einstein’s Relativity only be based on a cheap experiment,” said Wolfendale referring to Kelly’s opinion indicating that Einstein was wrong just based on Sagnac’s experiment. Wolfendale added that the particle accelerator all over the world have proven the truth of Einstein’s Relativity.
“We are engineer, will never give up, “said Kelly to The Times. “ I know there is a priest preaching a mystery not known to him, and I think the physicists do the same thing.”
In the year of 2015 scientists show experimental evidence as Prof. Howard Wiseman said Einstein was WRONG.
Prof. Howard Wiseman: Einstein was WRONG.
‘Spooky’ quantum experiment shows that the measurement of a photon affects its location. Previous experiments have shown entanglement with two particles. But this is the first to show the entanglement of a photon with itself. The study reveals how when a light photon is observed it changes state

Einstein didn’t believe this could happen as it violates theory of relativity. Albert Einstein may have been a genius, but even he could get it wrong sometimes.

In the 1920s and 1930s, Einstein said he couldn’t back the strange theory that the measurement of a particle actually affects its location. Now a team of scientists from Japan and Australia have proven that this ‘spooky action at a distance’ takes place in a photon.(sciencetech)

Why Einstein will never be wrong

Stop for a moment here, because it relates with an interesting article entitled Why Einstein will never be wrong, on Universe Today Website. This article is very interesting and there are some points that need to be discussed.
One of the benefits of being an astrophysicist is your weekly email from someone who claims to have “proven Einstein wrong”. These either contain no mathematical equations and use phrases such as “it is obvious that..”, or they are page after page of complex equations with dozens of scientific terms used in non-traditional ways. They all get deleted pretty quickly, not because astrophysicists are too indoctrinated in established theories, but because none of them acknowledge how theories get replaced.(Prof.Brian Koberlein).

In this article there are four points that are interesting:
Statement 1.” ….but because none of them acknowledge how theories get replaced.”
Statement 2:”Einstein’s gravity will never be proven wrong by a theory.”
Statement 3: “The other way to trump Einstein would be to develop a theory that clearly shows how Einstein’s theory is an approximation of your new theory, or how the experimental tests general relativity has passed are also passed by your theory. Ideally, your new theory will also make new predictions that can be tested in a reasonable way.”
Statement 1 explains if someone had found evidence Einstein’s theory is wrong; should be conveying a new theory. But statement 2 said ”Einstein’s gravity will never be proven wrong by a theory.” It means the author negates his first statement itself.
I’m so interest in statement 3; advocated a new theory that is consistent with the theory of Einstein (how Einstein’s theory is an approximation of your new theory).
Here a question: How does if someone show invalidity of Einstein’s hypothesis; Einstein’s hypothesis can not be tested in a reasonable way, or to be more precisely, Einstein’s hypothesis does not meet requirement of the scientific method?
Actually, answers to this question had been anticipated by Einstein himself. Einstein courageously said “The chief attraction of the theory lies in its logical completeness. If a single one of the conclusions drawn from it proves wrong, it must be given up; to modify it without destroying the whole structure seems to be impossible.” (Read here).
There are at least 5 logical fallacies of Einstein’s special and general theory of relativity. This book explains the invalidity of Einstein’s hypothesis, that’s why general relativity doesn’t meet requirement the principles of scientific method, and tries to convey prediction using astronomical test of general relativity at 2017 total solar eclipse, in USA, August 21. This book also shows that astronomical data of 2017 eclipse prove spacetime is false.(Book’s review)
So far, this writing has not answered or explained title Experimental Evidence Predictions of General Relativity Do not Work. This title in connection with Statement 4 of Brian Koberlein’s writing:
“It will be proven wrong by experimental evidence showing that the predictions of general relativity don’t work. So unless you have experimental evidence that clearly contradicts general relativity, claims of “disproving Einstein” will fall on deaf ears”.

Experimental Evidence Predictions of General Relativity Don’t Work.

Read more :  Click here


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